I'm a firm believer in sharing your story! You never know who your story may be able to help and especially now, I feel it's important to let others know they are not alone. I'll open up a bit about my experiences because I am grateful for them.
At the age of 22, I was in college and working two jobs yet I was bankrupt, car had been repossessed, facing homelessness because of an eviction and in an abusive relationship.
Y'all talking about somebody who's been through some shit! But none of that compares to the hell I created for myself by living in fear.
Seriously, we are not giving fear enough credit!
Fear actually stopped me from living my life and lead to a cycle of depression. Yea, it is REAL!!!
It is the reason why I chose to focus specifically on helping other women who feel crippled by fear and self-doubt. You can have all the potential in the world but if you're not doing anything with it, it means nothing and you are doing yourself and the world a disservice!
Ready to start living the life you desire?
My philosophy: master your mind and you can accomplish ANYTHING!
Sometimes we get so caught up in our head and the cycle of self-pity and self-doubt that we do not do anything with our lives and it just passing us by.
Once I focused on reprogramming my mind, I was able to create the life I deserved:
And now I have blessed to share this with the world and help other women write their own stories of happiness, love and success!
We talk about self-care and self-love but one thing you don't hear too often is self-awareness.
How can you practice self-care if you are not in tune with yourself and what you need?
That was my case.
I was depressed for probably close to 5 years and had absolutely no idea.
I knew something wasn't right but didn't understand the extent of it.
For years, I walked around just simply existing. I can't even say living.
For me, it was a cycle: eating, sleeping and drinking. I knew I was unhappy but focused on numbing the pain and avoiding what was really going on.
Dwelling on problems that I could've solved but felt too helpless, hopeless and even afraid to do something about.
When that didn't make the problems go away, I got even more depressed.
It was a constant cycle and I battled it alone.
Most people would never know because I am an empath.
When I'm around others, my job is always to make others feel good so I'm either cracking jokes, being silly or saying something positive.
I hate to see people sad or mad and I try to solve their problems.
But the truth is...
And then, I had one of the best years: 2020 --- it was the best for me spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally and even professionally.
It came from me recognizing I wanted more for myself.
One of my clients gifted me with a manifestation journal.
I started with all the popular affirmations that didn't mean a thing to me.
Did it work? Lol. I realized I didn't even want most of those things:
But then I thought about it. What did I truly want? The answer was simple: to be happy.
I hadn't realized that was something that was missing in my life.
So I used the journal to dig deeper. Got some things off my chest. Literally broke down crying just getting it all out and then I finally started to feel again. It felt so freeing. I started to get excited again. I began GENUINELY smiling. And for the first time, I started to look forward to something. It gave me hope.
On my Facebook page, I post about my weight loss but it's more than that to me: it's my health --- physical, emotional, spiritual and mental.
It's about my growth:
Most importantly, I'm no longer afraid, ashamed, or even embarrassed to say NO to things that no longer serve me.
As an entrepreneur, one of my many struggles was the fear of stepping up so I tip-toed around situations. I backed away when it was my time to shine because I let my insecurities and lack of self-worth get in the way. I muted myself and toned myself down when I knew my shit and knew that I was the shit.
I changed:
In fear of being judged and running people way.
I stayed silent on things that actually mattered to me.
When my feelings were hurt, I bottled them up and carried that burden while the other person slept peacefully at night.
I spent a lot of time thinking and regretting how I didn't act and what I didn't say in certain situations.
For most of my life, I've lived someone else's life or lived for the approval of others!
I acted like how I felt people thought I should act.
But enough of that bullshit!
I'm at the point in my life where I realize life is too short to spend it regretting and being miserable because I'm afraid to be me.
No more dumbing myself down or ignoring important issues because I don't want to offend certain people.
Who am I?
And I'll help you get to the best you.
I am:
I'm a very straight-forward and honest person.
I'm a firm believer that once you master the mind, you can accomplish anything! Which is why I focus on confidence coaching as many of us lack the belief that we CAN even manifest our dreams.
I truly want to see you do and become better, healthier and happier--however that may look for you! I'm a firm believer in being true to yourself and living life on your terms!
With that being said, I'm a natural people problem-solver and my goal is to get to the root of the problem---instead of trying to mask it and make yourself miserable. Been there, done that, wasn't fun, I'm over it!
You can learn more about my personal journey below...