Ready to ditch the diet and lose weight without giving up your favorite foods 💜*1634089E-628E-4C85-B169-6FF8EB2B20FB*jpeg?alt=media&token=634564fc-c9ac-4e4e-bacc-1a9cad1883f7*97C6F182-AE7D-485C-8D16-1CAF0D490B0D*png?alt=media&token=bffa7b68-05c5-4d74-a2de-517bbc0a56c6

Of course, we want to make sure the relationship is mutually beneficial. Please complete the following intake form and if we believe it's a good match, we'll follow up with a link to hop on the calendar:

How much weight would you like to lose?
Have you ever worked with a coach before?
Have you tried to lose weight before?
Length of coaching:
Timeframe to hire someone to help you break free and start working towards your goal:
What are some habits you normally have? (select all that apply)
What is usually the reason you do not accomplish your goal?
Working with me requires a small investment. Are you prepared to make the investment?
Have you been diagnosed or currently seeking treatment for any medical issues that may slow down your weight loss progress?
Have you been diagnosed with anxiety, clinical depression, ADHD or any other condition? If you responded “yes” to the previous question, how are you managing? If you answered “no”, please skip this question.
Are you currently seeing a counselor, therapist, psychologist or other mental health professional?
As a coach, do you understand that I cannot diagnose, treat or provide medical advice?
Copyright 2021. Natalie Butler. All rights reserved.