ย  ย  Ready to face your fears, break through limiting beliefs and stop self-sabotage? Learn more about how you can work with me 1:1 now ๐Ÿ’œ

Here's Sharon's story: she wanted to build a brand and start attracting clients online. She partnered with a digital marketing strategist who challenged her to do a Facebook live but was afraid to get on camera. We broke down some beliefs she had about videos and came up with a game plan! And yes, I showed up to support her on the live ๐Ÿ’›

Are you always caught in your head but not in action? ๐Ÿ‘€

F*ck with me, watch how you start believing in yourself and doing everything you thought you couldn't!

Yes, I'm helping you get out of your own way so you can manifest anything your heart desires.

What is manifestation?

Manifestation is NOT magic. YOU are the magic and I'm here to show you.

As humans, we have a tendency to overcomplicate sh*t but manifestation really is simple.

To manifest:

  1. Get clear on what you desire
  2. Believe
    • Believe that is possible
    • Believe that is possible for YOU
    • Believe it is already yours

  3. Take aligned/inspired action

Simple! You see the MAGIC is inside of YOU.

But a lot of people struggle with manifesting due to old beliefs, patterns, habits, self-sabotaging behaviors and fear. I'm here to help you break through all the noise by rewiring, reprogramming and framing your mind and releasing what no longer serves the new happier, confident, successful you and turn you into a manifesting machine!

What is the Glow Up Experience?

This is the ULTIMATE confidence and mindset coaching program. We're getting clear on what YOU want, showing you HOW to get it and GETTING it. Simple!

Is the Glow Up for you?

Are you stuck feeling miserable and living in a constant cycle of hell because you:

  • Constantly go through the cycle of overthinking, overanalyzing, hypercritical of yourself and talking yourself out of success or happiness?
  • Feel paralyzed by fear and unable to move forward with your life?
  • Second-guess yourself on everything so you end up doing nothing?
  • Find yourself comparing yourself to everyone else and start to feel worthless?
  • Get stuck doing things you do not want because other people want you to?
  • Deprive yourself of what you truly want because you are trying to please everyone BUT yourself?
  • Afraid to let your voice be heard because you think you will run people off or they will reject you?
  • Do not believe you deserve it so you tell yourself non-sense and block your own blessings?
  • Too afraid to take the next step even though you know it is stopping you from being truly happy?
  • Do you find yourself looking at other "successful" entrepreneurs and thinking you could never have their success because you don't look like them?
  • Afraid to really step it up and put yourself out there because you are afraid of what people may say about you?
  • Tried the "fake it til you make it" mantra but never seem to "make it?"
  • Feel like you're getting in your own way and you're the only thing standing in the way of reaching your goal?

Are you ready to develop TRUE confidence? Learn how you can rewire your subconscious mind and crush your goals with ease...

    Investment: $2,000 (payment options available)

What Will Be Covered in the Program:

  • Develop the #1 core underlying belief that unlocks genuine confidence---the growth mindset
  • Analyze past events/behaviors that may be holding you back
  • Identify and replace negative self-talk and fixed mindset thinking
  • Evolve into your true potential and start kicking ass
  • Turn challenges and setbacks into the fuel you need to ignite your life
  • Learn how to open a world of abundance by developing a growth mindset

  • Stop being crushed by failure or fear of failure
  • Feel deeply confident even in the face of rejection and criticism
  • Feel good about yourself in a way that doesn't get knocked down by failure or judgment
  • Stop being crushed by failure and shrinking back from risk
  • Stop holding yourself back due to fear and develop such a strong belief in their potential that they feel unstoppable

  • Learn how to get out of your own way
  • Recognize and eliminate self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors
  • End procrastination
  • Reclaim your power
  • Stop self-sabotage and procrastination by overcoming the 4 traps of self-doubt

  • Stop being crippled by some b.s. limiting belief
  • Learn how to create empowering beliefs
  • Stop setting goals that are never actually reached
  • Build confidence and show up as most authentic self
  • Gain clarity and direction on how to accomplish your goal
  • Learn powerful mind training techniques that help you work WITH your mind in order to accomplish your goals

What's Included:

  • 1 60-minute Kick-off Call
  • Weekly check-in call for 30 minutes
  • Clarity and direction
  • Raising vibration tools
  • Templates/worksheets
  • Email/text/PM support
  • Accountability follow-up
  • Glow Up Goal Success Planner
  • Additional tools and resources to help you (as needed)
  • Access to private Facebook support group (clients-only)

Investment: $2,000

Helping Identify and Remove Limiting Beliefs

Meet Samantha ofย Digi Girl Boss Management Group, Inc. She's been in digital marketing for a few years now (super talented and knowledgeable). I'll let her speak for herself :)


Meet Ashley. She's a Virtual Assistant transitioning into business strategist. In less than two weeks, she's booked at least 6 discovery calls!


Sometimes You Just Need an Extra Push

Here's one of my boos :) She came to me because she was stuck and feared success. She was about 98% complete with her yoga certification but stopped because she felt unworthy. We broke through the past events and came up with a game plan to get it done!


Rewiring Through Affirmations

Your mind is the most POWERFUL tool, weapon and muscle you will ever have. Sometimes old beliefs are so ingrained it's hard to break free but there are some beautiful and simple ways to rewire your mind. Listen to this beautiful message from Brittny.


What is the investment?

This is a 4-month program which requires a one-time investment of $2,000. If you need payment arrangements, please email hello@chicagosnatalie.com.

Is this program ONLY for entrepreneurs?

Nope! I'm a firm believer that if you master your mind you can accomplish anything! If you're struggling in any area of your life due to fear, self-doubt, negative self-talk, or limiting beliefs, my program is for you! You can apply these skills to any area of your life!

Do you offer advice?

My goal is to empower YOU to feel confident in yourself so though I'm here to guide you, I want you to make the best decisions for YOU. Part of coaching is asking the right questions to get you to come up with your own answers, see possibilities you didn't know existed and dig deeper so you feel confident in the decisions that you make. You've given enough of your power away, I'm not here to take it.

Is there any topic that we cannot discuss?

No, as a mindset coach, my goal is to help you look forward and take action now. With that being said, I understand that there are certain events that have stood in the way of you accomplishing your goal. As long as you want to look at the past constructively with plans on moving forward, it's fine! If you just want to dwell on the past, honestly, this isn't the best fit for you.

What other resources do you offer?

I'm a Confidence and Growth Mindset Coach who does not believe in "faking it 'til you make it". Sometimes you actually need the SKILLS to make it. With that being said, also included in the program are tools to help you develop competence so you do have the framework to build your confidence. If I notice that building competence will help, I will refer you to that module.

I'm a high vibe kinda babe so I'll also include tools to help you raise your vibrations (aka feel good, release stress/tension and just be in a better place mentally and emotionally). You can use these tools as needed but again, if I think you'd benefit from them, I'll kindly direct you to them.

Sometimes coaches see things that you may not see because you're sitting too close to the action. My goal is ALWAYS to offer assistance and/or guidance in the best way I can.

Is this for spiritual babes?

I focus primarily on science and psychology; however, I also believe in Law of Attraction so if this is something you can relate to, we can definitely approach it from this angle. It's amazing the similarities between LOA and science/psychology!

If you're looking for chakras, reiki, energy healing, etc, this is not the program for you. I do not have anything against these methods but it's not what I specialize in so I'd rather focus on what I do know and help you get the best results ;)

Do you cover shadow work?

Nope! Shadow work usually entails focusing on the UNCONSCIOUS mind and dealing with suppressed or repressed feelings.

We're tapping into your SUBCONSCIOUS mind which controls about 95% of what you do. We are creatures of habit. Your patterns, thoughts, beliefs, experiences and fear control most of what you do and the funny thing is, it's only operating off what you've experienced --so we are usually doing the same thing day in day out --- because it's all our mind knows. This is why when you try to do something new, you end up talking yourself out. Your mind is like "no new friends" and goes into survival mood. I'm helping you break through those old habits and patterns so you can develop positive habits that serve the new you!

What about additional support?

I'm available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Feel free to text, e-mail, PM or Slack me during those hours.

Copyright 2021. Natalie Butler. All rights reserved.